Foreword by Esther Wojcicki, for Happiness Now ! A Guided Journey
Since the original publishing of my book Happiness Now! A Guided Journey I have been given the wonderful addition of a foreword by Esther Wojcicki. She strongly makes the case for cultivating your happiness! I also took the opportunity to have the interior formatting match the book in French…
A renowned educator, journalist and mother.
Esther is a leading American educator, journalist and mother. She is the founder of the Media Arts program at Palo Alto High School, where she built a journalism program from a small group of 20 students in 1984 to one of the largest in the nation including 600 students, and nine award-winning journalism publications. Additionally, she has been on 3 TEDx stages and is the mother of 3 daughters with impressive careers, to say the least. Understandably, her latest book is titled “Raising Successful People.” I have had the pleasure and honor of knowing Esther since I was 5.
A foreword.
Esther’s foreword starts with these words:
Two of the most popular questions today are “What is happiness?” and “How do I get more?” Everyone in the industrial world thinks that happiness will come with the next job or the next new car or the next house. But they need to rethink that assumption. A new consumer item may make you temporarily very happy but research shows that, in the not-so-long term, it does not bring most people the kind of happiness they crave. True happiness comes from ongoing positive relationships and positive experiences.
She then goes on to review some of the latest research about happiness.
Cultivate your happiness.
It was deeply validating for me to have a woman with such wisdom and breadth of experience validate the importance of cultivating happiness. The science is creating a picture that is gaining in clarity: the best investment we can make is in living a life that is in deep agreement with who we are. In other words, it pays to cultivate your happiness!
I can help you!
This is why I founded Eudokima, providing services for exactly that purpose.. We offer group workshops, development services and conferences. Don’t hesitate to contact us to find out more.
Sonia Weyers
Founder of EUDOKIMA
Revealing your happiness!