How to Reconcile Happiness and Pandemic Fatigue
***Outside Circumstances***
Last week we talked about Pandemic Fatigue, how challenging it is for your inner world. This week I want to tie it into the outside circumstances.
I don’t know how the pandemic is impacting you these days. Where I am we are going through a third wave and we are in the third period of lockdown since March 2020, and restrictions are just starting to ease.
Outside circumstances impact us !
This is also causing fatigue. Your sense of time is probably altered if you’ve had a lot of restrictions. Perhaps you have had COVID-19 yourself and you still haven’t completely recovered your energy.
Perhaps there are other outside circumstances that changed for you, that led to fatigue. Let’s dive into this this week! You might want to have a notebook handy.
What is bothering YOU?
Outside circumstances, things outside of us often impact us, even though we have no control over them. I’ve heard many people argue that you should just let it go, if you can’t change it, why fret about it. Have you heard that?
And how is that working for you ? Right, it’s not always so easy.
One coping mechanism that is readily available to you is breath work. I’d like you to try something right now: you’re going to take 3 deep breaths. Start by blowing out all the air, then let your lungs fill and see if you can fill just a bit more, do that 3 times.
Now write down what you notice after doing that.
The importance of self-care when outside circumstances are difficult.
In case of difficult outside circumstances, especially those that we have no control over, self-care is of utmost importance. We cannot change what we cannot control but we can certainly change how we take care of ourselves.
One of the biggest obstacles to health and happiness, which also increases your risk of mistakes and accidents is lack of sleep. This is a pandemic possibly more serious than the one that’s been in the news.
Your action for this week is to get 30 minutes more sleep. I know that can be hard, getting enough sleep is my biggest personal chronic challenge.
So let’s unpack that a bit more. What have you done in the past to get more sleep that has worked for you, think about that for a minute.
Now write down for yourself 3 things that have worked in the past and one that you will put into place today.
Watch the video: How to Reconcile Happiness and Pandemic Fatigue – External and Environmental Aspects.
In this short video, I give some perspective about the environment in this context of Reconciling Happiness and Pandemic Fatigue. Watch the video here:
How to deal with worries?
This whole pandemic business is worrisome, we wonder if we will ever go back to “normal”, if the vaccines are safe, if we are going to get sick, if our loved ones are going to get sick, and many other things.
This can be exhausting,
There are certainly plenty of things and outside circumstances we could worry about but that is never going to be helpful, you might have noticed that already.
When you find yourself worrying too much, do something: take a break, go for a walk in nature, take a nap, watch a comedy show, whatever effectively distracts you from your worries but please don’t spend your life worrying!
What have you already done in the past that has distracted you from your worries?
Write in your notebook what action you will take next time your worries get out of hand.
And don’t forget to discover the 5 things in the way of Your TRUE Happiness, for people who have tried everything. You can grab the download right here:
And don’t forget to discover the 5 Things in the Way of Your TRUE Happiness, For People Who Have Tried Everything.
You can grab the free download by clicking on the image below!
And if you are interested in The “Experience Your TRUE Happiness” Haven, fill out the application right here!
See you soon for more!
Sonia Weyers
Your Happiness Guide
Founder of Eudokima
PS: For more tips to cultivate your happiness, watch more videos, read my blog or my book.