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Happiness and Antifragility: Growing Through Your Challenges!


Are you tired of dragging yourself through your challenges? Do life’s downs put you down and you have trouble getting back up?

I know what that’s like! It took me a while to finally be able to grow through the obstacles on my way but now, I have become unstoppable. And I put everything I have learned at your services.

If you have challenges in your life, which gnaw at your happiness, you are in the right place!

Voir ce produit en français ici.

The “Happiness and Antifragility” Hands-On Workshop

Five Ingredients that Will Empower Your Happiness

Happiness and antifragility, are you wondering what this is? It is all about how to grow stronger through our challenges. There will always be challenges, life is just like that! But rather than scrape by and survive them, wouldn’t you like to find yourself better off after going through them?

There are so many invitations to be grateful for everything. But even though that would be helpful, it’s actually legitmately hard to feel grateful when something hard happens, you may have noticed that.

In this workshop, we will look at five behaviors we can cultivate to increase our antifragility, our ability to grow through our challenges and this will also increase our happiness.

I spent decades searching for my happiness and in the last few years I have had a number of difficult life circumstances that I was able to grow through so I know the stuff works.

Happiness and antifragility !

In this workshop, I steer away from magic bullets, life’s challenges are much more complex than any simplistic solution, however appealing it may look. So if you are ready to roll up your sleeves and really look inside, this is a workshop for you. We will examine the five ingredients one by one and look at how you can implement them in your life.

The workshop itself

The next workshop will be on May 19th at 8p.m. Paris time (UTC+02, or 11a.m. Pacific, 2p.m. Eastern, 7p.m. London). We will meet on zoom for two hours for an interactive impactful workshop. You will receive a link by email after you sign-up. Show up ready to look inside and I will guide you so that you too can grow through your challenges.

Why I can help you ?

I am Sonia Weyers, Your Happiness Guide. My purpose and mission is to empower you to experience your true happiness by guiding you to discover your keys to living in harmony with yourself and your environment. Having explored numerous paths in my personal quest for meaning in my own life and being committed to a permanent search for the best drivers of personal growth, I now put my experience and expertise at your service.

I have been a Gestalt-therapist since 2008 and I offer various personal growth and development services as well. This ensures that you are heard beyond the words, it also empowers you to radically be your TRUE self, unapologetically.

I hold a holistic outlook on being human and I emphasize the relational nature of our lives, and I put all that at your service to guide you to Experience Your TRUE Happiness!

Happiness and Antifragility? Let’s do this!

To join the “Happiness and Antifragility” workshop, just scroll back to the top and “add to cart”.

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